Todd Maisch - City Club of Chicago

Todd Maisch

President & CEO
Illinois Chamber of Commerce

Tuesday, Feb 13, 2018

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Todd Maisch

President and CEO of the Chamber since 2014, Maisch’s leadership of a team of policy experts, business advocates, and communicators impacts the legislative, regulatory and judicial branches of government. His influence has created a network of pro-business advocates both on a state and national level.

Since joining the Chamber in 1994, Todd Maisch has made engaging coalitions of employers the cornerstone of the Chamber’s reputation as the state’s leading business advocate.   He puts in practice the Chamber’s vision that in helping build stronger businesses, we build a stronger Illinois.

Sound tax and fiscal policy, reducing the regulatory burden on employers, proactive economic development, promoting innovation and greater investment in our critical infrastructure are all key priorities for Maisch and the Chamber.  In addition, he has led the Chamber to become the voice of business at the ballot box, supporting pro-business candidates that share the same priorities.

A native of Peoria, Maisch earned an MBA from Illinois State University and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Maisch serves as co-chair of the Transportation for Illinois Coalition, serves on the Steering Committee of the Illinois Business Immigration Coalition, and is a member of the U.S. Chamber Committee of 100.  Maisch and his wife, Kim, have two children and reside in Springfield.

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